Saturday, March 20, 2010

Who is really prolife?

A) A person who is so anti-abortion that they are against the Plan B Pill that eliminates an unwanted fetus while it is little more than a Zygote as a matter of principle or a matter of political expedience. Believes in and is willing to execute the death penalty and waves the flag the flag while our nation is lied into a war of aggression and continues to support said illegal, unjust war past the point when more than half the country's citizens realize what has happened.

B) A person who is against abortion, on principle, except in matters where the life of the mother is an issue or the welfare of existing children will be adversely affected and in matters concerning rape or incest; who advocates against the death penalty and wars of aggression, the number 1 war crime from which all the rest spring.

Seems to me that type A is more anti-abortion and some types of birth control than they are pro-life. Type B is obviously more pro-life.

‘Pro-life' group Virginia Society for Human Life, provides cover for politicians who kill that they support in its mission statement explaining that “...the Society's purpose is to promote measures which will insure protection for all innocent human life."

If we are all born in Sin, then whom amongst us is innocent? Is it the act of birth or conception that causes a child to be sinful at birth. Do we not have to believe in a virgin birth in order to believe that Jesus was sinless and could, therefore, be the savior of the world. So it must be conception that dooms us all to hell unless we are saved by belief in the Christian Creed.

There is nothing civil about civil wars!

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