This guy has some really bleak outlook. Can he be right? Is everything we are doing just a huge waste of time.
If that's true, EVERYTHING is a huge waste of time, including what the machine wants us to do.
William Hughes

“In politics, nothing happens ‘by accident.’ If it happened, you can bet it was ‘planned’ that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Since the murders of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy, little has gone right in this country. It’s like we’re headed for hell in a vehicle which doesn’t have any brakes, driven by a raving maniac. Remember, too, the Vietnam War (1963-75)--that heated up almost immediately after JFK was eliminated. (1) That conflict ripped the nation apart and cost the lives of 58,159 of our bravest sons and daughters. Think of the dubious Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. In between, the “Watergate” scandal surfaced and Richard M. Nixon fell from power. (2) The out sourcing of millions of jobs is also part of this saga. (3) Then, there was 9/11! (4) It was followed in March, 2003, by the Bush-Cheney Gang launching a preemptive strike against Iraq, at a cost estimated to be $3.5 trillion! And, the latest shock therapy for us: the Wall Street bailout and the financial meltdown. All of this might make your wonder: Is some powerful, shadowy clique orchestrating the decline of America?

Have Fun Bending Over for the Catch 22
Les Visible

Tap, tap, tap….. Hmmmm… finger drumming on the table top… restless stretching and reaching… got an itch under my shoulder blade… confusion… a little I guess. Like ‘tells’ in poker, I’m getting some reads but the betting doesn’t reflect the hands I’m seeing when I call. What’s going on? I guess I can’t ask Marvin Gaye. You know what? I think I’m just going to take a little walk through my head and see what the ping pong ball has to say. I know it’s used to going back and forth and then there’s the spin thing. I’m pretty good at ping pong and the other things you learn growing up on military bases and being locked up for long periods of time. I’m not the sort of person you want to play Nine Ball with.
There is nothing civil about civil wars!