Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why Am I an Independent?

Today I wouldn't mind being a Democrat, yet I can still remember cringing at the thought of it. Most recently when Democrats allowed Bush and Cheney to get away with morder without a fight.

I heard people like Hillary Clinton say that they voted on a Resolution for war as a way of giving Bush backing as he went to the U.N. never believing that Bush would take the country to war against the wishes of damn near everyone. Why on this God's green Earth did she think that. The rest of us were pretty damn sure that he would do just that, and he did. It was and is a war of aggression, the Mother of all War Crimes from which all of the many others did flow. Until this day, not one consequence has been realized, with the single exception of Scooter Libby being found guilty of lying about outing a CIA analyst, a most disgusting form of treason, but he was not found guilty of treason.

The Democrats did little to stop any of that mess, nor has anyone really suggested that people involved in the Iraq Study Group realize consequences for war crimes.

So, this is just one small example of why I am an independent.

Democrats will never have my membership until they get a spine about such things.

There is nothing civil about civil wars!

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