.....our president is the Antichrist?
Probably. I grew up around what we called hard-shelled southern Baptists. I remember hearing that Dr. King was a communists and a trouble making n---ger from the pulpit. This crowd, whether Boehner realizes it or not, are much worse and, yes, they are dangerous.
I've listened to their "theology" on Teevee and I believe that Mr. Boehner ought to know he people to whom he is talking with buzz words like Armageddon. Some of these people are unhinged and would think nothing of murdering the "son of the beast" and, I might add, tearing this country to pieces.
Armageddon is not just a Word, Mr. Boehner.
When asked whether he thought his use of the word “Armageddon” could cause people to do crazy things like spit at members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Minority Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner said, “Armageddon is just a word."
Yes it is, and so are bonsai, kamikaze, revolution, n------r, f-----t, Taliban, secession, states rights, rap songs, sermons, sin, apocalypse, Jesus, cumquat, God, and jihad.
They are all words and they all mean something to whoever is speaking and maybe something totally different to those who hear his words. There are collections of JUST words, like: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the Torah, the Koran, the Communist Manifesto, the Dictionary and the Bible. They are all just WORDS.
You cannot say that the teenage Christmas Eve bomber was influenced by a radical cleric of Islam and therefore all Islamic clerics should be suspect and then say that the words of Christian clerics, politicians, parents, teachers or rap singers mean nothing and do not ever provoke anyone to wrath.
Islamic terrorists and clerics, Christian ministers, Congress and the Ku Klux Klan do not use Vulcan mind transfers; they use WORDS, just like the ones Rep. Michelle Bachmann used when she said she wanted her constituents to be “armed and dangerous."
She could have said, “I want my constituents to be informed and vocal”, but since she is the one doing the informing they are out of luck. I have heard the best of the hell, fire and brimstone ministers who were less terrifying at describing hell than most of the GOP leadership are at describing the Health Care Reform package.
Every leader from Hitler to Billy Graham has used words to influence people, so Mr. Boehner the word Armageddon does mean something. It may mean nothing to you, but to most Christians it brings on visions of something, the End Times. And the Republican base is Fundamentalist Christians for whom the word "Armageddon" is message received, loud and clear.
Another pre-civil war quote that comes to mind is the last paragraph of Lincoln’s first inaugural address;
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”
How happy would he be that we are still fighting over "states rights," but this time it is because they believe the first African American president is a "socialist" who wants to force affordable health care on everyone and they are not willing to let him try?
There is nothing civil about civil wars!
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